What CRM Software Review Can Do For You
Running a business can be challenging and difficult at times. Regardless if your business is small or large, you’ll face a variety of difficulties throughout your everyday operations. While some of those difficulties can’t be controlled, there are a few that can be with the help of an effective CRM (customer-relationship management). Thanks to robust functionalities, a CRM can save your business a lot of money and your employees a lot of time when used correctly. There are several ways CRM software can help your business, but the most important one is better customer service management.
But with so many CRMs on the market, it can be overwhelming trying to find the right one for your business. Trying to weed through them all can be very demanding on your own, which is why CRM Software Review was created. We provide you with the best CRM software available so that you make an informed decision as to which one best fits with your business.

CRM Software Consultants
Besides in-depth reviews on various CRM software options, we also provide professional advice and consultancy services to companies looking to implement CRM software into their everyday business operations and tasks. We’ll understand your business, its goals and needs, and be able to match you with the best CRM software to help excel, grow and help your business and employees succeed. We are well versed in a number of CRM software options and are more than qualified to make professional recommendations for your business and its individual needs. Consulting with us on CRM software options makes the choice less stressful and easier, allowing you to implement the software much quicker and sooner than simply figuring out which one is best on your own.
We also produce unique content regularly that will keep you up to speed with all that’s happening in the industry. Our informative articles detail what’s happening in the industry, new CRMs and more! So even if you don’t seek out our consultancy services, you’re still getting the right information needed to decide on what CRM works best for your company.
Why You Need A CRM
A CRM helps you track and analyse all the interaction your business has with both prospects and customers. It’s a useful tool that will simply, centralise, secure and scale your customer engagement. A CRM helps acquire leads from various sources, placing them in one convenient location. Managers will be able to assign leads instantly and you’ll be able to view the entire sales pipeline from start to finish without anything falling through the cracks.
CRM software can also be used to create a better customer service process that will guide your team through every interaction with customers. You’ll be able to create templates to guide team members through complex processes. But workflow automation might be one of the best reasons to invest in CRM software, so the mundane tasks are automated. This reduces administrative overhead and allows your team more time to focus on what really matters.
Your business will benefit from CRM software in many ways. Everyday operations will be more efficient and you’ll be able to create repeatable successful processes for your team. You’ll business will also have a competitive edge over competitors that do not utilise CRM software.

The Evolution Of CRM
The first CRM software options weren’t even close to being as robust as today’s options. Over the past decades, CRM software has greatly evolved to become efficient and effective for a wide range of businesses and industries. The first CRM was introduced in the 1980s, with ACT! dropping in 1986 as a digital rolodex. It created efficient storage and organisation for customer contacts. Other vendors released similar software throughout the 1980s, too.
It wasn’t until the 1990s when more CRM software solutions were developed and the industry flourished. It was the first major step toward a true CRM option that pushed it to be more sales driven. In the late-1990s, huge names like Oracle and Baan entered the CRM market in hopes to dominate the industry.
But the CRM industry was almost annihilated in the 2000s during the bursting of the dot-come bubble. The early part of the 00s was hard, but the middle of the decade saw more growth, especially when Salesforce created the biggest change in the industry in 2007 by introducing their cloud-based CRM.
Then social CRM become popular with the introduction of ComcastCares, which focused more on interaction rather than the transaction with a customer. Today, cloud-based and SasS CRM offerings continue to integrate more and more features, such as social and customer service CRM, allowing companies to create an all-in-one solution that fits their business needs. Cloud-based CRM solutions continue to be popular due to their lower initial cost and how easy they are to integrate with mobile devices.
The future of CRM will only continue to evolve and incorporate new technologies that businesses need to succeed. They will continue to blend sales, social and marketing features into one seamless CRM offering that a business will greatly benefit from.